A Straight Smile and Your Professional Life: Are They Connected?

A Straight Smile and Your Professional Life: Are They Connected?

I always talk to my patients about how their oral health has an impact on their overall health, but could your teeth affect your professional life? Studies have shown that the appearance and health of your smile directly impacts your career. Let’s take a look at this connection and the options for achieving the straight […]

Oral Health And The Immune System: What’s the Connection?

Oral Health And The Immune System: What’s the Connection?

There is a strong connection between your oral health and overall health, and scientists are finding more connections all the time. If left unchecked, bacteria in your mouth can affect many different systems in the body. Heart disease, lung conditions, dementia, and diabetic complications have all been linked to poor oral health. Today we’re going […]

Importance of Dentists in Patients’ Health

There is a strong, proven relationship between your oral health and your overall health. Your mouth is a window into assessing the health of the rest of your body. Many conditions have symptoms that are apparent when looking at the teeth and gums, including HIV and diabetes. Poor oral health has also been linked to […]