Tracking the Root Causes of Your Sleep Apnea

Sure, snoring can be annoying for your sleep partner, but have you ever considered that there could be more to it than just a noisy night’s sleep? Snoring sometimes indicates that you are suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a condition where your airways are blocked during sleep for more than four seconds and air […]

The Mistakes People Make When Brushing

Chew your food. Wash your hands. Brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth is one of those habits that is usually ingrained at a very young age, but is your brushing up to snuff? If you don’t brush thoroughly with good technique for the appropriate amount of time per day, aspects of your oral health could […]

Gum Disease: The Hidden Sources

Gum Disease: The Hidden Sources

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is an infection in the tissue that surrounds and supports your teeth. Gum disease is extremely common in the United States; more than 50 percent of American adults over the age of 30 have some form of periodontitis, and even more have some level of gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first […]

Importance of Dentists in Patients’ Health

There is a strong, proven relationship between your oral health and your overall health. Your mouth is a window into assessing the health of the rest of your body. Many conditions have symptoms that are apparent when looking at the teeth and gums, including HIV and diabetes. Poor oral health has also been linked to […]


Long Term Effects of Losing Molars

Tooth loss is a common occurrence in the United States, with over 70 percent of American adults missing at least one tooth. As you age, the likelihood of losing one or more of your teeth dramatically increases, and often tooth loss begins with your molars.   You might think losing molars first is better than […]